Discover how to finally END PROCRASTINATION with a new method validated in over 20 countries.

Master your habits, unleash motivation, and unlock the flow state!

Watch the first lesson:

Get Obliterate Procrastination and all the amazing bonuses with 88% Off!

This Masterclass is For You If:

  • You have trouble finishing what you start and often quit after a few days.

  • You struggle with laziness, lack of focus, and building discipline.

  • You're plagued by perfectionism and impostor syndrome.

  • You rarely feel motivated and when you do, it's very fleeting.

  • You feel guilty, ashamed, and like a failure for constantly postponing fully living life and working on your dreams.

  • You suffer from analysis paralysis and feel overwhelmed to start changing.

  • Most importantly, you want to eliminate bad behaviors and become hooked on doing the hard work.

  • Lastly, you want to save a lot of wasted time to focus on what is really important, like your family, friends, and hobbies.

Obliterate Procrastination - 197 USD

1st Module: The Psychology of Procrastination

I know you already tried a bunch of things, but it never worked because you never understood the root cause of procrastination, that is, an unresolved mother and father complex.

That's why the first module will uncover the psychology of procrastination:

  • Discover the secret unconscious reasons you procrastinate and how to overcome them.

  • The connection of procrastination and the Puer and Puella Aeternus.

  • The link between procrastination and codependency.

  • How to beat perfectionism and the fear of starting something new.

  • How to make your brain work in your favor.

2nd Module: The Strategic Habit System

The second reason you never overcame procrastination is that you always focused on accomplishing goals and willpower instead of relying on a simple system and the Pareto principle.

But I've got you covered!

The second module will teach you:

  • How to effortlessly build routines and stay focused by creating simple systems.

  • Eliminate bad behaviors.

  • How to achieve excellence in any craft.

  • Get your precious time back by using Keystone Habits and the Pareto principle magic.

3rd Module: Effortless - Unlocking The Flow State - 97 USD (Bonus)

The third module is all about mastering the flow state.

Ana Mera, a brilliant psychotherapist and creator of Myth in Motion, teaches you to:

  • Unleash endless motivation.

  • Skyrocket your productivity by 500% without burning out.

  • Enhance your creativity and learning abilities.

  • How to live effortlessly and create a meaningful and inspired life.

Real Testimonials

Get Obliterate Procrastination and all the amazing bonuses with 88% Off!

Master your habits, unleash motivation, and unlock the flow state.

Now is the time!

From 294 USD to Only 37 USD

About the creator:

I'm Rafael Krüger and I've been working with people worldwide with individual analysis and live workshops since 2017.

So far I've reached over 20 countries and counting!

- Post-graduated in Depth Psychology

- Post-graduated in Analytical Psychology

- Mod at r/Jung and r/ ShadowWork

Have any questions?

Click here to contact me!


What is the course format and how it will be delivered?

Obliterate Procrastination is a pre-recorded masterclass paired with extra reading material. The trust-worthy Systeme platform will deliver everything.

Do I need previous psychological knowledge?

No! Everything is taught with a simple and engaging language that anyone without psychological knowledge can follow, starting from the basics.

For how long can I access the course?

You'll have full acess for 2 years to watch as many times as you wish.

Rafael Krüger - Live an Audacious Life

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